Mage and the Endless Unknown out July 18th August 1st!

Image from Iron Circus comics

Mage’s release was delayed last month due to shipping, but now it’s finally here (again!). I got my advance copy last month and the book is gorgeous. There’s less than one week left to pre-order!

*update* The books are taking their sweet time getting here, so there’s been another delay, hopefully the last one! You’ll be able to hold Mage in your hands on August 1st, I hope you’ll continue to look forward to it.

Circadian / Shortbox Comics Fair

The Shortbox Comics Fair approaches! My new short horror comic Circadian will be available for purchase along with a ton of other new digital comics this October. You can check out a five page preview over on my patreon.

Mystery Project?

I’m doing the color for a new graphic novel series! Don’t think I can give any more info than that, but I’m having a lot of fun with it.